President James A. Garfield’s Vision for America

“In the great crisis of the war, God brought us face to face with the mighty truth, that we must lose our own freedom or grant it to the slave. In the extremity of our distress, we called upon the black man to help us save the Republic; and, amid the very thunders of battle, we made a covenant with him, sealed both with his blood and with ours, and witnessed by Jehovah, that, when the nation was redeemed, he should be free, and share with us its glories and its blessings. The Omniscient Witness will appear in judgment against us if we do not fulfil that covenant. Have we done it? Have we given freedom to the black man? What is freedom? Is it mere negation? Is it the bare privilege of not being chained, — of not being bought and sold, branded and scourged? If this is all, then freedom is a bitter mockery, a cruel delusion, and it may well be questioned whether slavery were not better. But liberty is no negation. It is a substantial, tangible reality. It is the realization of those imperishable truths of the Declaration, ‘that all men are created equal…’”

– President James A. Garfield

Reflecting on Garfield’s Vision in Black America Today

President James A. Garfield’s words resonate deeply with the ongoing journey of Black America. His vision for true freedom, beyond mere emancipation, calls us to examine the state of liberty and equality today. Garfield’s speech reminds us that freedom is more than the absence of bondage; it is the presence of opportunity, equality, and justice.

Realizing True Freedom

Garfield’s question—”Have we given freedom to the black man?”—urges us to reflect on the progress made and the challenges that remain. While legal emancipation was a monumental step, it did not automatically translate into true liberty and equality. True freedom, as Garfield envisioned, involves tangible opportunities and rights that all citizens should enjoy.

Economic Empowerment

Economic empowerment is a crucial aspect of Garfield’s vision of substantial liberty. Increasing job training and creating equitable opportunities are vital for Black communities. Ensuring that Black Americans have access to quality education, vocational training, and employment opportunities is essential for building a robust and inclusive economy.

Promoting Racial Harmony

Garfield’s call for sharing the nation’s glories and blessings underscores the importance of racial harmony. Promoting understanding and unity among diverse racial groups is essential for a cohesive society. Initiatives that foster dialogue, mutual respect, and collaboration can help bridge racial divides and create a more harmonious nation.

Educational Equity

Education remains a cornerstone of freedom and equality. Garfield’s vision aligns with the importance of school choice and access to quality education for all. By advocating for policies that provide educational options and resources, we can ensure that every child, regardless of background, has the opportunity to succeed.

Securing Justice and Equality

The struggle for justice and equality is ongoing. Garfield’s words remind us of the covenant made during the Civil War—a promise of freedom and equality for all. Ensuring that this covenant is fulfilled requires continuous efforts to address systemic racism, promote fair policies, and safeguard the rights of every citizen.

Strengthening Community and Business

Garfield’s emphasis on shared glories and blessings extends to economic opportunities for Black-owned businesses. Supporting and protecting these businesses not only strengthens the economy but also empowers communities. By increasing protections and opportunities for American-owned businesses, we honor Garfield’s vision of a nation where everyone can thrive.

Garfield’s vision serves as a powerful reminder of the true meaning of freedom and equality. As we reflect on his words, we are called to continue the work of creating a nation where liberty is a tangible reality for all. By addressing the economic, educational, and social challenges faced by Black America today, we can move closer to realizing Garfield’s vision of a truly free and equal society.

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Engaging Communities Promoting America First Policies

The Garfield Project Inc
1209 Orange Street
Wilmington, DE 19801

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